Amen circles are weekly artist gatherings where participants can write/draw/paint in a non-judgemental environment. You don’t need to be an artist to make art and you don’t need to create your finest work every time you sit down to create. Amen Circles are warm and inviting social spaces for creative “play”.
On a typical evening, participants will go off into their own corners of an apartment and carve out 45 minutes to work on something. We’ll then gather together and those that wish to share can do so. There’s no pressure to share unless you would like to. It’s less about the product more about the process of exploring internal terrain and creativity.
Organically we have grown to 6 cities - Brooklyn, Pomona, Jerusalem, Teaneck, Melbourne and Baltimore, and so if you are in one of these cities and would like to participate in an Amen Circle, or if you would like to bring an Amen Circle to your city, reach out to us at:
Torah Mantle - Melanie Siegel